We found this while on Twitter, and we just had to share this comprehensive invitation from SomeECards.com.  It’s a funny read, and I can think of a couple of weddings a few years ago in which the bride & groom joked about adding these kinds of questions.  Please note, there is language that is not safe for work, but since it’s in an image, you don’t need to worry about turning down your speakers.

Here is the link to the original post.

517ebcd815845What We Would’ve Added

Music Requests

* Line Dances

* Top 40

* Really obscure 1990’s music nobody even remembers

* Genres and groups so obscure they’re only know to me, my pets and that weird guy in the back room of the old record store

* I want to choose the songs you two absolutely hate and don’t want played at your wedding because I’m upset you hired a professional DJ when I could have just hooked up an iPod and rented some equipment for you.  It would have been cheaper (in my mind) because I didn’t read iPod vs. DJ, The Economics.

We love getting requests ahead of time and have it set-up to do so through the Online Event Planner, but we still take discretion when allowing the songs to be played.  You can choose songs, genres, styles, etc., that you don’t want to hear at your wedding and we won’t play them.  It’s your wedding day, you want to hear what you want to hear!

By the way, we’re all set on duvet covers (honestly, I had no idea what a duvet cover was until after I was married) and gag gifts.  We’ve seen a few of them over the years, and most were done so well that it had extra meaning because someone took the time and effort to do it right.


Wedding DJ, Sports DJ, P. A. Announcing, Mitzvah DJ, Emcee, Host, Corporate DJ. I get to help people have a great time!